Booking confirmed! Please complete a few remaining steps.

After booking

These are your next steps:

Sign our Terms & Conditions

You received a link in the initial message sent upon booking.

Submit Your ID/Driving License

Attach your ID/Driving License using the link provided in your first message.

Pay the Deposit

If applicable, use the provided link to complete your deposit payment. We do not accept cash.

Check-in details will be sent 24 hours before your arrival date

If you book on the same day as your check-in, details will be sent after you complete the ID verification, agree to the terms & conditions, and pay the deposit.

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The Brera Apartments The Brera Apartments The Brera Apartments The Brera Apartments The Brera Apartments The Brera Apartments The Brera Apartments The Brera Apartments The Brera Apartments The Brera Apartments
Text Gradient Extended Stay Options

Need more time in your cozy space?
Contact us via phone or WhatsApp!

If your dates aren’t available, we’ll find you a perfect alternative at one of our other properties. We’re here to make your stay seamless and comfortable.